this file presented by: Nashihatur rosyidah (MANY THANKS FOR HER)
The Effectiveness of Debate in Improving Student’s Speaking Ability
at Twelveth Grade of SMAN 3 Ponorogo in Academic Year 2012/2013.
II. Background of Study
English is an international
language. It the first foreign language taught to secondary school student in
Indonesia is a compulsory subject. Student are obliged to master English to a
certain extent. This is aimed in preparing them easily to adjust today’s global
nation in which English is used as a means of oral and written communication.
As stated in syllabus. The objective
of teaching English for Senior High School is make improvements on communicate
in English through listening, speaking, reading and writing.[1]
The most people, mastering the art of speaking is the most important aspects of
learning a second language of foreign language and success is measured in terms
of the ability to carry but a conversation in the language.[2]
The ability to speak a foreign language is without doubting the most highly
prized language skill, and rightly so because one who can speak a language well
can also understand it and can learn to read it with relative ease.[3]
Bygate suggest that oral interaction
can be characterized in term of routines, which are conventional (and therefore
predictable) ways of presenting information which can either focus on
information or interaction.[4]
English as a second and foreign
language is taught and learned in the classroom. Students are supposed to show
their natural performances in mastering English as what native speakers do in
normal communication. Researcher could hardly find some classes that include
special English speaking activity. There are many reason for it, such as
limited time is allocated for teaching English. Students do not have enough
time to actually learn to speak in the class because the teacher strongly
concerns to teach the grammar and syntax and students motivation in less to
make those situation become better. The possible way is to make another class
outside formal classed such as an extracurricular activity.
There are many activities to
increase student’s speaking skill in extracurricular activity. Those activities
have many technique one of the technique that can be used to develop student’s
speaking ability is debate. The concept of active debate is not only to enable
student to speak fluently and accurately as native speakers thinking. To speak
fluently, they should have enough vocabularies, expressions and be able to
share opinions. Therefore debate is the highest level of technique in assessing
student’s speaking skill.
Debate has been used in several
English classes in united states, such as at the EPI (English Program for
International) at university of south Corolina and the English classes at
university of Arkansas. It proved that debate could be one of teacher’s
technique to increase student’s speaking ability.
In Indonesia, English debating
competition has been one kind of competitions to motivate student in
increasing. Their speaking capability. But for Senior High School. English
debate is not too popular as speech or drama whereas it could be a valid
indicator in assessing listening and speaking skills at the students.
There are a couple Senior High
School in Ponorogo which use debate as one kinds of technique for a
extracurricular activity. In this case, SMAN 3 Ponorogo has on extracurricular
activity which applies debate as one activity which is concerned in improving
student’s speaking ability.
Based on the identification above
researcher made a research on the study if effectiveness of debate in improving
student’s speaking ability at twelveth grade of SMAN 3 Ponorogo in academic
year 2012/2013.
III. Identification of the Problem
From the background of the study
there are lots of problem concerning with the speaking skills. Those problem
can be stated as follow:
The student’s
had low activeness in teaching speaking.
The students
were difficult to explore their idea and speak fluently.
The students
had low achievement in teaching speaking.
The students
did not have enough time to speak English in the class.
The students
can explore their idea by debate method in teaching learning process.
The teachers
hold control and the students attitudes during teaching-learning process.
IV. Limitation of the Study
Based on the identification of the
problem above. It can be taken the limitation of the problem bellow: “The
effectiveness debate method in improving student’s speaking ability to the twelfth
grade of SMAN 3 Ponorogo in academic year 2012/2013.
This research will use Standard
competence as follow’’ Mengungkapkan pendapat dalam kelas debat’’.
Base competence that will be used in
this research is ‘’Mengungkapkan argument,pendapat,sanggahan,dan tanggapan saat
debat berlangsunga’’
In this research especially for
indicator, the researcher hopes that the students are be able to use grammar,
vocabulary, pronounciation, in improve their speaking ability.
V. Research Focus
To avoid irregularities in the
research this study only focused on the effectiveness debate in improving
student’s speaking ability to the twelfth grade of SMAN 3 Ponorogo in academic
year 2012/2013.
VI. Statement of the Problems
Regarding to the background to the
study the problem statements are formulated into:
Is debate
effective in improving student’s speaking ability.
Is there
significant relation that the use of debate method in improving student’s
speaking ability?
VII. Objectives
of the Study
To find out
weather debate method is more effective than the other methods in improving
student’s speaking ability.
To explore that
debate is significance to improving students speaking ability.
VIII. Significance of the Study
This study focuses on the effective
method of teaching speaking English by using debate method in improving
student’s speaking ability and the result is expected to have it benefits
pointed to:
The result of study is expected to many the methods teachers teach
speaking English, especially the English teacher of SMAN 3 Ponorogo.
The result of study is expected to make students more confident is
speaking classroom, particularly the twelfth grade students of SMAN 3 Ponorogo
in academic year 2012/2013.
study offers limited scope of discussion regarding the effectiveness of debate
method in improving student’s speaking ability. The result is expected to make
readers interested in observing the effectiveness of this method from other
points of view.
IX. Review of Related Literature
The nature of
Speaking is the verbal language used
to communicate with others.[5]
Lado point out that speaking ability is described as the ability to express
oneself in life situations, or the ability to express sequence in ideas
Speaking consists of producing
systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning (Utterances are simply things
people say). Florez point out that speaking is an interactive process of
constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving and processing
information. It is often spontaneous, open-ended, and evolving.[7]
It means that speaking is the
ability of somebody to express or to give ideas using verbal communication to
communicate with others spontaneously. And it involves producing, receiving and
processing information.
characteristic of successful speaking
The characteristic of successful
speaking activirt as stated by Penny Ur name:[8]
Learners talk a
lot as much as possible of the period of time allotted to the activity is in
fact occupied by the learner talk.
is even. Classroom discussion is not dominated by a minority of talk active
participants: all get chance to speak, and contributions are fairly evenly
Motivation is
high. Learners are eager to speak because they are interested in the topic and
have something new to say about it.
Language is of
an acceptable level, learners express the in selves in utterances that are
relevant, easily comprehensible to each other, and of an acceptable level of
language accuracy.
In order to success students
speaking ability, students need to have ability to talk a lot, participants to
talk, motivations and language acceptable level.
The assessments
of speaking
The assessment of speaking is to
asses, oral language on systematic and have procedures or reassessment
activities that can seedily be incorporated into plans by making assessment
reflecting to instructions it will increase the validity and reliability of
assessment approachs.[9]
The assessment of speaking is states
as follows:
and intonation
The outer of speech is sound, the
speaker must firt deside w hat to say, be able to articulate the words, and
create the physical sounds, that carry meaning.
Second language learners therefore
need a knowledge of the language they wish to speak an understand of the
phonetic structural of the level of individual word and an understanding of
Accuracy and
In learning English as foreign
languages learners often errors Ehen they are speaking. In teaching speaking it
is common to correct high gravity error immediately, low gravity errors can
We could point the following as
phenomenon that we many wish to consider as helping to define what mean by
consisting of pauses, witch can be unfilled (silence) filled (with noises like
syllables or word
Changing words
Correcting the
use of coherent save devise, particularly pronouns.
Beginning in
such a way that grammar predicts what comes
Next, but the
speaker changes the structure of the utterance part way trough.
Grammatical correctness is a main
poin were speech is connected. A core grammar for informal speaking wpuld
probably need to include the following items.[12]
A command of
present and past simple, and the to use the latter to sequence narratives.
Familiarity with use of the continues and perfect forms
of verbs, boot to frame and background information in narratives.
A knowledge of
the most frequently occurring modal and semi modal verb (I, e, can, will, would,
have to going to, used to).
The ability to
formulate questions, especially not only yes /no but also WH- questions.
Some basic conjunctions
(and, so, but) in order to string together sequences of causal and non causal
One or two
all-purpose quoting expression of the said… and then I said type.
Comprehensions is an exercise aimed
at improving or testing students understanding of language (written or spoken).
It explains that to maximize
students speaking opportunities in order to success students speaking ability,
there must be the assessment include students pronunciation and intimation, accuracy
and fluency, grammar and students comprehensions.
B. Teaching
Definition of teaching
Teaching is a system involves components
influence one another systematically. This statements depends on
Pengajaran adalah suatu sistem yang terdiri atas komponen-komponen
yang saling bergantung satu sama lain secara terorganisasi yaitu: tujuan,
materi pelajaran, metode mengajar media (alat peraga), pengorganisasian kelas,
dan evaluasi)[13]
It means that some teaching components are
about the purpose, lesson material, teaching method, tool, class management,
and assessment. Oemar Hamalik states that the definition of teaching is on and
on development and achievement. According to his definition, it is concluded
1. Teaching is some activities of teacher to
convey the knowledge toward the students.
2. Teaching is interaction during
teaching-learning process between the teacher and their students. Teaching
involves of purpose of teaching, students in learning, teacher in teaching,
teaching tolls, assessment and teaching situation.
3. Teaching as a system involves the teacher
profession, the development and achievement of students as developed organism,
the purpose of teaching, curriculum, lesson plan, counseling, and society
4. Teaching is the process of education. Teaching
activity aims to achieve the purpose of education .[14]
Principles for
Teaching Speaking
1) Be aware to the differences between
second language and foreign language learning contexts.
students practice with both fluency and accurary.
opportunities for students to talk by using group work of pair work, and
limiting teacher talk.
speaking tasks that involve negotiation for meaning.
Design classroom activities that involve
guidance and practice in both transactional and interaction speaking
The natural of
The definition
of debate
Debate refers
to the process of considering multiple view points and arriving at the judgment
and its application ranges from an individual using debate to make a decision
on his or her own mind to an individual or group using debate to convince
others to agree with them.[15]
Implamantation of debate
To prepare students for debate,
teacher to make sure that students have been given all the necessary and
information in order to research and present their side of the issue. To
prepare, students would have ti become thoroughly familiar with each of character
perspectives on the issue addressed.[16]
Here are the steps of debate:[17]
debating using format, the rule of the debate made to regulate students to
speak one at a time and each side the
same amount of time and opportunity to prove their point. With formats people
are regulated speak one at a time each side given he same amount of time and
opportunity to prove their point.[18]
Develop a very
controversial question relating to the material
Divide in two
groups, one prepares the case in favor of oral testing, the other against (it
does no matter, for moment, witch side you are really on, prepared the case for
you group as convincingly as you can
for the sake of the arguments)[19]
Create two
four-groups within each group of debate
Ask each sub-group
to prepare and develop arguments based to the views represented by groups. At
the end the discussion, each sub-group chooses a speaker.
Prepare two to
four (depending) on the number of exiting sub-groups) for speaker pros and cons
with the same amount and other students sit behind the spokesperson.
Start the
debate by allowing any group that would start with the speaker for presenting their views. This
process is called an opening argument.
After listening
to the opening of the arguments, stop the debate return to the sub group to
prepare arguments to counteract the opening arguments of the opponents.
Each sub-group is better to choose a new
Continue to the
debate. A speaker for the line of sight required to give counter arguments. When
the debate took place, the other participants are encouraged to provide the
records containing the proposal, argument, or rebuttal.
At the end of
the debate. No need to decide which groups win, draw a circle class. Discuss
what students learned from experience debate ask students to identify the best
arguments they think.
The advantages
od debate
According to Ruth Kennedy, Blooming
University of penssuylvania, the benefits of in class-debate are:[20]
Students learn
more effectively by actively analyzing, discussing, and applying content in
meaningful ways rather the by passively absorbing information.
It cultivates
the active engagement of students, placing the responsibility of comprehensions
on the shoulders of the students.
Students place
a hanger value on learning by participating than on learning by being lectured
at and receiving information’s passively.
It is better to
be development of students hinger order thinking skills than traditional
instructional strategies such as lecture.
Previous study
Before the researcher will hold this
research the researcher studied previous research as follow:
Puspitasari, Armyta. 2010. The Implantations
of Debate in Improving student’s speaking a bility (case study) at SMAN 3 Ponorogo In Academic Year 2009-2010
A Thesis, English Education Departement Faculty of Education state Islamic
College of Ponorogo (STAIN Ponorogo).
The improving speaking can use many
interesting techniques or methods such as debate method, with debate method
students be able to share their opinions idea and arguments. It also can help
them to speak English fluently and confidently beside that. Student can
increase their critical thinking.
In this research the researcher hope
that debate is effective to improve the student speaking ability.
Based on explanations above, the
researcher takes hypothesis that the as of debate method able to improve
student’s speaking skill for the twelfth grade student of SMAN 3 Ponorogo in
academic year 2012/2013.
X. Research Methodology
Research Design
This research applies a quantitative
approach. For quantitative researcher. The purpose of study prelateship.
Basically, this research stood carefully. This research is done to verity the
theories, it tends to involve numbers in order to measure the valid result by
involving statistical analysis.
In this case the research use
experimental research of quantitative approach. It is used to test in order to
know the influence of the use the different technique or method. There
requirement are required, those are giving control, manipulation and
observations. It involves two groups. It involves pre and post test then observation
Populations and
is the research object as a target to get and collect data.[21] Populations of this study is all of students of SMAN 3 Ponorogo in academic
year 2012/2013.
is a half and or a part of the population which is being researched.[22] Sampel of this studi is ten students are included in debate class
of an intracuriculler of SMAN 3 Ponorogo in academic year 2013/2013.
independent variable of this study is debate method.
dependent variable of this study is student’s speaking ability.
Instrument of
data collection
R. Murray Thomas Offers an idea, “
Gathering Inforemation by means of observation involves watching or listening
to the events than recording what occurred.[23]
According to Dewalt & Dewalt,
observation involves more than just “hanging out”. Playful and self-aware observes
use observation systematically. The researcher should describe the purpose of
the observing, the phase of the study in witch it is likely to most fruitful,
and the use of field notes to respond to the research question.[24]
In other words
observation has a goal of obtaining information by seeing and hearing phenomenon
while it is happening. The technidve can be useful in clarifying, checking, and
classifying the phenomenon.
In this research, observation was
applied to figure out and to describe the effectiveness of debate as an extra
curricular activing and to know how it improved students’ speaking ability at
SMAN 3 Ponorogo in academic year 2012/2013 by watching/or listening to the events,
than recording what occurred.
Syamsuddin and Damianti describe,
documentation technique is used to collect the data from non life sources.
These sources consist of document and record.[25]in
other words. Documentation is used to collect data whit document and record.
In this research, the while debate
mention taking a picture while debate was in process recording what was
happening burring the process of debate and document the student’s achievement
from the effectiveness of debate in improving students speaking ability at SMAN
3 Ponoorgo in academic year 2012/2013.
Questionary is a printed lis of
question to be answer by a number of people, especially as part of survey the
connection of qualitative and quantitative is useful to strength the evidence.
Then it will be sufficed[26].
The questioner for students consist of is question with the detail:
Item number 1
and 2
The question
include students opine about English language. In general.
Item number 4
Students effort
in improving their capability in English
Item number 4
opinion about speaking in general and school facilities to support the program
Item number 7
The question
about students participation in the program.
Item number
8,9,10,11,12,13 and 14
The students
opinion about debate to improve their capability in their pronunciation
motivation, problem solving, critical thinking empathy and confidence.
Item number 15
Question about
students suggestion for the program.
Technique of
data analysis
After the data had been collected
the research analysis the data by using the research analyzed the data by using
different technique stated. The data analyzing are quantitative and qualitative
data. The result of analysis is to see weather the implementation of the debate
method secceful or not. So that the decision to stop to continue the next cycle
can be taken.
Students involvement and test are
classified as quantitative date and file notes are classified and qualitative
data. The data obtained from the result of observation the students responses
from teaching activities by using debate method.
In this case, T-tes use to analyze the result of the test. There
are two kinds of T-tes. Independent and non independent, in this research the
writer use T-non. Independent experiment with 5 % significance level or 1%
significance level with this formula as follow:
mean of deviation
Determining of
To = T-observation
Md = mean of definition post-test and pre test
∑x2 d =
sum of definition degree
N = subject
d = gain
(N-1) = d.b = degree of freedom[27]
XI. Organization of the Proposal
The proposal
cnsist of three chapters as follow:
Chapter 1 : In introduction that contain background of study,
identification of the study, limitation of the study, research focus, statement
of the problem, objectives of study, and significancy of the study.
Chapter 2 : Review of the related literature. This chapter give the
explanation about the theory of speaking, theory of teaching and teaching
speaking, and theory of debate.
Chapter 3 : Research methodology. This chapter consist of research
design, population and sampel,variables, instrument of data collection, and
technique of data analysis.
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[3] Robert Lada,
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[5] Glenn Fulcher,
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[6] Robert Lado,
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Britain, 1961), 240.
[7] Kathleen M.
bailey, practical English language teaching: speaking (the Mc Graw Hill, 2005),
[8]Penny Ur, A.
Couse in language teaching practice theory (Cambrige university Press: Britain:
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[9]J. Michael o’
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[10] Jack. C.
Ricards Willy A.R Methodology in language teaching and anthology current
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[11] Glenn Fulcher,
Testing second language speaking (person Longman: London, 2003),27.
[12] Scot Thombury,
How to teach speaking (Longman: London), 34.
[13] Hilda Karil, Implementasi
KTSP Dalam Model-Model Pembelajaran (Jakarta : Generasi Info Media, 2007),
[14] Oemar Hamalik.
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[17] Hisyam
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[18] Ganesha,
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[19] Penny Ur, A.
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[20] http:/www.iselt,org/
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[21] P. Joko S.H, Metode
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[22] Suharsimi
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[23] R.Murray
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[24] Catherine
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Widyaningrum.STATISTIKA(Pustaka Feliche: 2011)
Proposal of the Final
Presented to
Islamic College of Ponorogo in partial fulfillment of the requirement
for the
assignment of Research Lesson in English Language Education supervised by
Tintin Susilowati, M.Pd
NIM : 210910017
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