Kamis, 10 Januari 2013

Proposal of the Final Project
Presented to
State Islamic College of Ponorogo in partial fulfillment of the requirement
for the assignment of Research Lesson in English Language Education supervised by Tintin Susilowati, M.Pd

NIM : 210910028


       I.                        Research Title
The Effectiveness of Using Extensive Reading Technique on Novel to The Student of English Education Department (TBI) STAIN Ponorogo in Academic Year 2011/2012
    II.                        Background of Study
Novel is one of source media that contributes to the improvement of knowledge, especially about life and language. Novels are tighly related with many aspects of human life such as culture of the society, standart of morality, life values, culture, social condition, psycological factors and many others. Its one of the free essay that contains a fictional story, tells about an human life incident. The novel includes a new prose  where the language is quite high. The novel is also one form of text, essays, reading that it has a lot of numbers of content pages.
In Education field, novel has included as part of material course in every institute that it be taught by teacher, lecture in university to know student’s ability in reading comprehension through novel. Many aspects can be taken by lecture from novel material course in class in getting assesment to the student such as fluency, comprehension, etc toward  novel text. Student is demanded be able to read novel fluently without use helps as dictionary.  
In reading, a novel that takes quite a long time, sometimes even people lazy to read, because the lot of the numbers of pages. Purpose of someone reading a story or text to another to understand the content, including the novel. The novel contains a fair amount of content. When student  reads a novel, they often  not effective in reading it. Someone often repeat their readings because of the level of understanding and technique they use is quite low. The students still difficulties to understanding English text. It suitable opinion about the student’s problems in reading, they will probably not be able to understand a reading. There will be far too many words they have never seen before. The grammar will be convoluted and the style will finish them off.[1]
To comfront the problem, student must have good reading skills in understanding the content of the novel that he was reading the contents. Student must have a special technique to read and understand a novel. Many of the techniques that they can use, One of the type’s technique suitable to read novel is  exstensive reading technique.
Extensive reading, on the other hand, can be defined as reading a large quantity of text, where reading confidence and reading Fluency are prioritized. In exstensive reading, the learner reads huge amounts of very simple text so that she can read smoothly, confidently and pleasurably. Student can’t use dictionary in comprehension novel text. By reading a lot of text the learner will be practicing the vocabulary and grammar taught in other classes.
Based on the description above, it is necessary to observe the using of extensive reading technique on novel. This study takes place at since the English reading teacher of the university has been applied the technique on novel. As the sample, this study focuses on the English Education Department (TBI) in academic year 2012-2013. The title of study is the effectiveness of using extensive reading technique on novel to the students of English Education Department (TBI) STAIN Pononogo in Academic Year 2012/2013.
 III.                        Research Focus and Limitation
The study is focused on the effectiveness of using exstensive reading technique on novel to the student of English education department (TBI) STAIN Ponorogo, especially about :
A.    Applying of the exstensive reading technique on novel to The Student of English Education Department (TBI) STAIN Ponorogo In Academic Year 2011/2012.                                               
B.     Process of using exstensive reading technique on novel to The Student of English Education Department (TBI) STAIN Ponorogo In Academic Year 2011/2012.
C.     The advantages of using exstensive reading technique on novel to The Student of English Education Department (TBI) STAIN Ponorogo In Academic Year 2011/2012.
SK (Standart Competence) :
Mahasiswa mampu mengekspresikan ragam bacaan yang terdiri dari karya sastra ( Novel, short story, drama, puisi ), jurnal akademik dan majalah populer (pengajaran dan kebahasaan ) dalam bentuk presentasi dan diskusi secara lisan maupun tulis.
KD (Basic Competence ) :
Mempresentasikan ragam bacaan yang terdiri dari karya sastra, jurnal akademik dan majalah populer secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam bentuk tulisan maupun lisan.
By the end of activity students are expected to be able to :
1.       Comprehend the topic and theme of the Novel (Jane Eyre)
2.      Express the main idea from paragraf on novel
3.      Find out the moral value on novel by using own language

 IV.                        Statement of the problems
Based on the background of the study, the researcher investigates the specific problem as follows :
A.    How is students’ comprehension on written text to the student of English Education Department (TBI) STAIN Ponorogo in academic year 2011/2012 ?
B.     How is the use of exstensive reading technique to comprehend novel  to the student of English Education Department (TBI) STAIN Ponorogo in academic year 2011/2012 ?
C.     How is the effectiveness of this technique in facilitating students’ comprehension on novel novel  to the student of English Education Department (TBI) STAIN Ponorogo in academic year 2011/2012 ?
    V.                        Objectives of the study
A.    To describe  students’ comprehension on written text to the student of English Education Department (TBI) STAIN Ponorogo in academic year 2011/2012.
B.     To know  the use of exstensive reading technique to comprehend novel to the student of English Education Department (TBI) STAIN Ponorogo in academic year 2011/2012.
C.     To explore the effectiveness of this technique in facilitating students’ comprehension on novel to the student of English Education Department (TBI) STAIN Ponorogo in academic year 2011/2012.
 VI.                        Significance of the study
The result of this study is expected to be beneficial for :
A.    Theoretically
From this research, it will be found the effectiveness of using exstensive reading technique on Novel to the student of English Education Department (TBI) STAIN Ponorogo in academic year 2011/2012.
B.     Practically
The result of this research is expected to be beneficial for :
1.      The students
This research is expected to the student, particularly they can be more easy to comprehend novel by using exstensive reading technique.
2.      The writer
The writer hopes that the result of this study will increase the writer’s knowledge and experience in novel comprehension by exstensive reading.
3.      The institution
This research is expected to give a contribution for English Department of STAIN Ponorogo in enriching references concerned with the use of exstensive reading technique on Novel.
VII.                        Theoretical Background
Researcher has some theories that are relevant studied and used as the main ingredient in connection with the theme of the discussion.
A.    Reading
Reading is an interactive process that goes on between the reader and the text, resulting in comprehension. The text present letters, words, sentences, and paragraphs that encode meaning. The reader use knowledge, skills, and strategies to determine what that meaning is.[2] Reading is an essensial skill for learner of English as a second language. For most of these learner it is the most importance skill to master in order to ensure success not only in learning English, but also in learning an any content class where reading in English is required.[3]
B.     The Purpose of Reading
Quoted from William Grabe there are presented six purposes of reading:[4]
1.      Reading to search for simple information
It is a common reading ability as a relatively independent cognitive process. In addition, typically, scan the text for specific piece of information or specific words.
2.      Reading to skim quickly
It is a common part of many reading tasks and a useful skill in its own right. In essence a combination of strategies for guessing where important information might be in the text.
3.      Reading to learn from the texts
It occurs in in academic and professional contexts in which a person needs to learn a considerable amount of information from the text
4.      Reading to integrate information
It requires additional decisions about the relative importance of complementary mutually supporting or conflicting information
5.      Reading to write and to critique texts
Both require abilities to compose, select and analyze information from a text. In addition, represent common academic tasks that call upon the reading abilities needed to integrate information.
6.      Reading for general comprehension
Reading for general comprehension is most obvious sense, the ability to understand information in a text and inteprete it appropriately.

C.    Extensive Reading
To begin with, Carell and Carson provide a useful overview of extensive reading which, generally involves rapid reading of large quantities of material or long readings (e.g whole books) for general understanding, with the focus generally on the meaning of what is being read than on the language.[5] ER is a simple idea. By reading regularly and in quantity, students learn to read better and come to enjoy reading more. They also improve their vocabulary and grammar,as well as their writing, speaking, and listening. Most often, in ER, student select their own reading materials, sometimes with guidance from teachers, peers, and others. These reading materials are most often pitched what is known as students “independent reading levels. In other hand, student can understand what they are reading without help from reference tools or other people.[6]
An Extensive reading approach aims to get students reading in the second language , and liking it. Or, to put things more formally, as the Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics Does, Extensive reading is “intended to develop good reading habits, to build up knowledge of vocabulary and structure, and to encourage a liking for reading “. As the definition implies, ER also pays off in increased general second language competence. Although this will occasionally be referred to, the present volume mainly restricts itself to the impact of ER on the ability to read in a second language.[7]
D.    Procedure or Process of Extensive Reading Technique
There are some procedures can be followed in extensive reading technique

1.      Techniques and Tactics[8]

The teacher's role in the extensive reading procedure is to encourage and help the students with their reading, by conferences during or after class time, and by checking and commenting on written summaries that students do of their reading. Oral or written summaries give students an opportunity to demonstrate that they are, in fact, doing their reading. They also allow the teacher to determine if students are understanding their books at an acceptable level. If not, the teacher's task is to guide them to more appropriate books. Frequent, albeit cursory, review of students' summaries is important particularly at the beginning of the course because many students have not had training in summary writing. This review can be done by the teacher circulating among the students while they are engaged in independent activities, or by periodic collection of notebooks for inspection at the instructor's leisure. Additionally, record sheets maintained by the students allow both teacher and students to keep track of reading progress.

2.      Exercises and Practice Activities

The students' main task is reading, but writing summaries is valuable not only to provide a means for teachers to check comprehension, but because the writing of summaries improves comprehension. In addition, this practice helps students improve their writing ability. Students also have some responsibility for determining the appropriateness and comprehensibility of the books they are reading. One means of doing this is checking dictionary use: too much necessary use shows that the book is too difficult. Too much unnecessary use shows that the student's approach is not appropriate for global reading.
3.      Resources                                                                                
The primary resources required are a collection of books and magazines, and a place to house them. Without such resources, students must purchase their own books or use public libraries, often difficult in the EFL situation. Financial or logistic problems are the main obstacles to implementing the extensive reading procedure. Merely providing books is not sufficient. The emphasis in extensive reading is on quantity, so some standard unit of amount is useful for students to measure their own progress, and for teachers to compare students and to assign grades. The ideal collection will contain books, magazines, and other materials that match students' interests and abilities. Because of the varying quality of graded (not to mention ungraded) books, and the elusive nature of authenticity, teachers are advised to build varied collections that include graded materials, children's literature, high interest-low vocabulary books, Literature for young readers, and popular writing.
E.     The Advantages of using Extensive Reading Technique         There are some advantages using exstensive reading technique in following :
1.      ER helps develop general, world knowledge[9]
Most, students have a rather limited experience and knowledge of the world they inhabit both cognitively and affectively. ER opens windows on the world seen through different eyes. This educational function of ER cannot be emphasized enough.
2.      It can motivate learners to read
Reading material selected for extensive reading programs should address students' needs, tastes and interests, so as to energize and motivate them to read the books.
3.      It helps to build confidence with exstended texts
Classroom reading work has traditionally focused on the exploitation of shorts texts, either for presenting lexical and grammatical points or for providing students with limited practice in various reading skills and strategies. However, a large number of students in the world require reading for academic purposes, and therefore need training in study skills and strategies for reading longer texts and books. Extensive reading is developing students’ confidence and ability in facing these longer texts.
F.     Novel
Novel is shape in the form of prose. The novel as a work of fiction offers a word, a world of idealized models of life, imagination of world, which was built through the intrinsic element such as events, plots, character, setting, point of view, and others. The novel comes from the italian Novella, which in German novella, and in Greek novellus. Then go to Indonesia to be Novel. Today the term novella and contains the same meaning as the term novelette Indonesia (English :Novelette), which means a work of fiction that reveals the human aspects of a deeper and served with smooth. In Big Indonesia Dictionary (KBBI) the novel is a long prose contains a series of stories of one’s life with the people around him to accentuate the character and nature of each offender.
G.    The characteristic of novel
Novel has several characteristics that can be used as a handle to determine wheter novel or not. As stated by Tharin mentions that the novel traits are :
1.      Number of word of more than 35,000 pieces
2.      The average amount of time that is used for reading the short novel takes at least two hours or 120 minutes
3.      The number of pages of a novel at least 100 pages
4.      The novel relies on the offender and possibly more than perpetrator
5.      The novel presents  more than one impression, and emotional effects
6.      Novel broad scale
7.      Selection of the novel more extensive
8.      Less rapid pace in the novel
9.      The element of the density and intensity of the novel is preferred.
VIII.                        Previous Study
This research is started from previous research finding that is conducted by Wahyudi (210905019), by the title the effectiveness of using extensive reading technique on Story to the student of twelve grade at SMAN 1 Slahung . From the results of earlier research, researcher concludes that the effectiveness of using  exstensive reading technique on story are :
A.    The using of extensive reading technique story gives opportunity to the students to read fluently and quickly toward story has given by teacher.
B.     The strengths of extensive reading technique are : motivating students to express their own idea through story, increasing student’s interests. And the weakness of using extensive reading technique are the students still need more vocabulary to read story because of new word on story.

 IX.                        Theoritical Framework
From the explanation above, can decided purpose of this study. Extensive reading technique is an process in reading to get comprehension about novel quickly and fluently. Extensive reading technique can helps students in reading novel effectivelly. So, the students can understand about content of novel.
    X.                        Research Approach
In this research, the researcher applied a qualitative approach. Qualitative research is research procedures which produce descriptive data in the form of words written or spoken of the people and behaviors that can be observed.[10] Qualitative research is approach usually associated with the social constructivist paradigm which emphasises the socially constructed nature of reality. It is about recording, analysing and attempting to uncover the deeper meaning and significance of human behavior and experience.

 XI.                        Research Design
This research applies as a qualitative research design. For qualitative researcher, the purpose of phenomena can understood carefully if conducted through interaction with the subject by deep interview. Beside that, it can do through observation now to the location of phenomena.[11] In education, qualitative research is frequently called naturalistic because the researcher frequents places where the events he or she is interested in naturally occur. Moreever, people engaging in natural behavior gather the data : talking, visiting, looking, eating and so on.[12]
XII.                        Researcher Role
The characteristic of qualitative research is not being able to separate from participant observation. Nevertheless, the role of researcher determines the entire of scenario. Therefore, in this research, the researcher is a key instrument, as the full participant and as a data collector, whiles other instrument support the data.
XIII.                        Research Location
These study taken places in English Education Department (TBI) STAIN Ponorogo. Some reasons for selecting the place are :
a.      English is taught to the student of English Education Department (TBI) STAIN Ponorogo.
b.      The place of the research is reachable;
c.       Exstensive Reading Technique is frequently applied on Novel  to the student of English Education Department (TBI) STAIN Ponorogo in academic year 2011/2012.
XIV.                        Data Source
Data source is subject or somebody who can give data as material or analysis for research. Data is obtained from population that determined by sample. Data source in the research is the subject where have come from obtainable information.[13]It means that data source in a research is subject where the data can obtained.
XV.                        Technique of Data Collection
Collecting data in this research, the researcher use observation and interview.
1.      Observation
Observation is the directly research that involves focusing the attention to the spesific object by using all senses. Observation has a goal of obtaining information by seeing and hearing phenomenon while it is happening.[14] Moreover, observation involves watching and listening to the events, then recording what occured.[15] Thus, the researcher must conduct a face-to-face interaction with subject of the research.
2.      Interview
Interview is the dialogue conducted by interviewer to get the information from the people who are interview.[16] Interview divided into three kinds; there are unstructured interview, structure interview, and semi structure interview. Thus, interview method has a goal of getting information done through verbal communication between an interviewer and respondents. By having an interview with respondents, the interviewer can obtain information used as source of data. Researcher to hold an interview with,
1).  Mrs. Wiwin as the teacher of Reading. It aims to get the data about the students and the effort of Reading Teacher to improve the students’ skill, especially in reading ability.
2). Students’ of English Education Department (TBI) A to get data their comprehension on Novel by using exstensive reading technique.
Collecting data use interview and observation because considering that concrete phenomena is different with abstract phenomena. The concrete phenomena can understand as like the result of fixed condition.[17]
XVI.                        Data Analysis
Data analysis is the process of systematically searching and arranging the interview transcripts, field notes and other materials that accumulated to increase understanding of them and to enable you to present what you have discovered to others.[18] On the other hand, Data analysis is the last process of the research before writing the report of the research. It is used to answer the question and to prove the hypothesis that will be done.[19] Qualitative data analysis is a process of searching and arranging the data taken from the observation, interview, documentation. Qualitative data analysis consists of three current flows af activity : data reduction, data display, and data verification. Each of the stage is presented in the following :
1.      Data Reduction
Data reduction is a stage of summarizing, classifying, and focusing on essensial things. In this stage researcher needs to separate the accurate data fromthe inaccurate ones. Through the data reduction, the researcher may focus on the data the using of exstensive reading technique, will be analyzed.
2.      Data Display
Data display is a stage of organizing the data into pattern of relationship. The data display can make the collected data easier to understand. In this stage, the researcher presents the using of exstensive reading technique.
3.      Conclusion Drawing/verification
In this stage, the researcher make conclusion. The conclusion can be in a form of thick description. The conclusion is the answer of the researcher problems, the using of exstensive reading technique, which have formulated.
Data analysis steps shown in the picture as below :

Data collection

Data Display




XVII.                        Checking the data Validity
Validity of data is important concept that renewable from validity concept and reliability concept.”[20] To get data valid and reliable, the researcher must be deep accompaying in the location. Because of in qualitative research, the researcher is an instrument. It means the degree of data validity can be checking with observation.
XVIII.                        Research Procedure
In this research, there are four research procedures as below :
1.      Planning
This procedure includes arranging the research plan, choosing the research location, organizing permission, choosing the informants, and preparing the research equipment.
2.      Application
This procedure includes:
1). Understanding the research preparation
2). Entering the field
3). Interact with the subject while collecting data.
3.      Data Analysis
It includes analyzing data along after collecting data.
4.      Writing the research report
XIX.                        Organization of the Thesis
This thesis consists of five chapters as follow :
Chapter 1  : In introductions that contain background of study,               statement of the problems, objectives of the study, significant of the study, research methodology and organization of thesis.
Chapter 2  : Review of related  literatures. This chapter gives the explanation about the theory of reading, theory of Novel and theory of using exstensive reading technique.
Chapter 3  : Research Findings. This chapter contains the common data of research location involving the history English Education Department (TBI) STAIN Ponorogo, where it take places, organization structure, the condition of the teachers and students, vision and mision, data description involving about the reason of using exstensive reading technique.
Chapter 4 : Discussion. This chapter contains of data analysis the using of exstensive reading technique on novel to the student of English Education Department (TBI) STAIN Ponorogo in academic year 2011/2012.
Chapter 5 : This chapter consist of the conclusion of the research and about the recommendation.
XX.                        References
As quoted by Lexy J. Moleong. 2000. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya.

Burhan, Bungin. 2006. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif. Jakarta :PT Raja Grafindo Persada.

David Nunan. 2003. Practical English Language Teaching. New York: McGraw-Hill.

George M. Jacobs, Thomas S. C. Farrell. 2012. Teachers Sourcebook for Extensive Reading. IAP.

Grace Stovall Burkart. 1998. Center for Applied Linguistics. Washington, DC.

http://www.cc.kyoto-su.ac.jp/~trobb/sussrobb.html.  4/11/2012. 15:30.

Jeremy Harmer. 2001. How To Teach English. England : Person Education Limited.                                                                                                     Purnawan Junadi. 1995. Pengantar Analisis Data. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta.
R. Murray Thomas, Blending. 2003. Qualitative and Quantitative Research Method-in Theses and Dissertations. USA: Corwin Press.

Richard R. Day, Julian Bamford. 1998. Extensive Reading in the Second Language Classroom. Cambridge University Press.

Robert C. Bogdan. 1982. Qualitative Research for Education; and introduction to theory and method. London: Allyn and Bacon.

Suharsimi, Arikunto. Procedur Penelitian, Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: PT.Rineka Cipta.

Syamsudin and Vismaia S. Damaitanti. 2006. Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa. Bandung : Remaja Rosdakarya.

Verena, Schörkhuber. 2009. Extensive Reading. GRIN Verlag.

William Grabe dkk. 2009. Teaching and Researching Reading. England.

[1] Jeremy Harmer, How To Teach English (England : Person Education Limited, 2001), 68.
[2] Grace Stovall Burkart, Center for Applied Linguistics (Washington, DC, 1998).
[3] David Nunan, Practical English Language Teaching (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003), 69.
[4] William Grabe dkk, Teaching and Researching Reading (England, 2009), 13.
[5] Verena, Schörkhuber, Extensive Reading, (GRIN Verlag, 2009), 1.
[6] George M. Jacobs, Thomas S. C. Farrell, Teachers Sourcebook for Extensive Reading, (IAP, 2012),2.
[7] Richard R. Day, Julian Bamford, Extensive Reading in the Second Language Classroom, (Cambridge University Press, 1998), 6.
[10] Margono, Metode Penelitian (Jakarta : Rineka Cipta, 2004), 36.
[11] Syamsudin and Vismaia S. Damaitanti, Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa, (Bandung : Remaja Rosdakarya, 2006), 94.
[12] Robert C. Bogdan, Qualitative Research for Education; and introduction to theory and method, (London: Allyn and Bacon, 1982),3.
[13] Suharsimi, Arikunto, Procedur Penelitian, Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, (Jakarta: PT.Rineka Cipta, 1992), 102.
[14] Ibid.,128
[15] R. Murray Thomas, Blending, Qualitative and Quantitative Research Method-in Theses and Dissertations, (USA: Corwin Press,2003),60.
[16] Suharsimi, Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian, 126.
[17] Burhan, Bungin, Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, (Jakarta :PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 2006),121.
[18] Robert C, Bogdan, Qualitative Research for Education, 153.
[19] Purnawan Junadi, Pengantar Analisis Data, (Jakarta, Rineka Cipta, 1995),2.
[20] As quoted by Lexy J. Moleong, Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif (Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya,2000), 171.

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